Information visualization

Top selling books in Information visualization

The Big Book Of Dashboards
Andy Jeffrey; Cotgreave Steve; Shaffer Wexler
Paperback (2017-04-01)
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Tableau For Dummies
Paul Molly; Sochan Monsey
Paperback (2015-11-01)
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Fundamentals Of Data Visualization
Claus O Wilke
Paperback (2019-05-01)
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Data Visualization With Python and Javascript
Kyran Dale
Paperback (2023-01-01)
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Graphing Data With R
John Jay Hilfiger
Paperback (2015-12-01)
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Python Fundamentals
Amos Mark; Omondi Ryan; Ng'Ang'A Marvin
Paperback (2018-10-01)
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Python Data Science Essentials
Luca Alberto; Massaron Boschetti
Paperback (2018-09-01)
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Effective Computation In Physics
Kathryn D Anthony; Huff Scopatz
Paperback (2015-08-01)
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Visual Analytics With Tableau
Alexander Loth
Paperback (2019-05-01)
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Learning To Love Data Science
Mike Barlow
Paperback (2015-12-01)
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Tableau 9
George Peck
Paperback (2015-10-01)
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D3js In Action
Elijah Meeks
Paperback (2017-12-01)
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Data Visualization For Oracle Business Intelligence 11g
Tim Dan; Vlamis Vlamis
Paperback (2015-02-01)
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Cool Infographics
Randy Krum
Paperback (2013-10-01)
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Johanna Drucker
Paperback (2014-07-01)
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Practical Computer Vision With Simplecv
Kurt Demaagd; Anthony Oliver; Nathan Oostendorp; Katherine Scott
Paperback (2012-09-01)
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