
Top selling books in Biophysics

Physical Models Of Living Systems
Philip Nelson
Paperback (2021-11-01)
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Free Energy Transduction and Biochemical Cycle Kinetics
Terrell L Hill
Paperback (2005-01-01)
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Plant Physics
Karl J Niklas; Hanns-Christof Spatz
Paperback (2014-02-01)
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Biophysics For Dummies
Ken Vos
Paperback (2013-10-01)
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Living Rainbow H2o
Mae-Wan Ho
Paperback (2012-08-01)
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An Introduction To Environmental Biophysics
John M Norman Gaylon S Campbell
Paperback (1997-12-01)
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A Matter Of Degrees
Gino Segre
Paperback (2003-07-01)
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Life On the Edge
Johnjoe McFadden Jim Al-Khalili
Paperback (2016-07-01)
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Structure and Mechanism In Protein Science
Alan Fersht
Paperback (2017-08-01)
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Radiation Hormesis and The Linear-No-Threshold Assumption
Charles L Sanders
Paperback (2014-11-01)
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Radiation Oncology
Michael Goitein
Paperback (2010-11-01)
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Understanding Understanding
Heinz Von Foerster
Paperback (2010-10-01)
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Did Darwin Write the Origin Backwards
Elliott Sober
Paperback (2010-12-01)
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Theoretical Microfluidics
Henrik Bruus
Paperback (2007-11-01)
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Random Walks In Biology
Howard C Berg
Paperback (1993-09-01)
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A Different Universe
Robert B Laughlin
Paperback (2006-02-01)
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Biophysics Of Human Hair
Bharat Bhushan
Paperback (2013-01-01)
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Single-Channel Recording
Bert Sakmann
Paperback (2012-04-01)
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Handbook Of Sample Preparation For Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis
Patrick Echlin
Paperback (2010-11-01)
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Biophysical Chemistry
Alan Cooper
Paperback (2011-02-01)
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Handbook Of Ion Sources
Bernhard Wolf
Paperback (2020-06-01)
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Mechanics Of Motor Proteins and The Cytoskeleton
Jonathon Howard
Paperback (2001-02-01)
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Kunihiko Kaneko
Paperback (2010-11-01)
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Biophysics Demystified
Daniel Goldfarb
Paperback (2010-12-01)
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